So you have to ask yourself, as the newest AI, how does Bixby do as a comedian? Samsung hasn’t released any hidden puns or easter egg questions that you can ask Bixby to reveal some humor, and since the voice function of Bixby is not yet released in the U.S., it’s impossible for users to explore themselves. However, the voice feature on Bixby has been released in South Korea on May 2nd, and it’s received a positive response from customers. Let’s take a look at some of the hidden gems Bixby has to offer.
#1 Bixby Joke: Make Bixby Rap
There hasn’t been much news of jokes, but there have been reports of a very interesting ability of Bixby, and that is rap. That’s right, Bixby can spit, and wait until you see what’s hidden between the lines.
When you ask Bixby to rap, this is what the multitalented AI responds with:
(Image source: Reddit)
Assuming none of you can read Korean, the lyrics mean nothing to you at this point, so allow me to break it down. Here’s the English translation provided by The Verge:
Something that doesn’t change with time
Bixby on the rhythm
Seeing is not everything / You’ll know when I speak
Please tell me one more time Bixby
I’ll rap so sing me a song
Take it deep into your heart Bixby
Doesn’t matter if you can’t spell
Please tell me one more time Bixby
The lyrics and the meanings of the lines aren’t necessarily mind-blowing, and the verse’s rhyme scheme isn’t exactly impressive either. What’s funny and ingenious about these lyrics are the first characters in every line. When placed side by side, it reads, “시리보다 내가 낫다.” This translates to “I am better than Siri.”
It’s quite a clever move for Samsung to place an easter egg inside an easter egg. I expected nothing less from one of the top smartphone companies in the world.
It isn’t new for Samsung to take pokes at Apple, especially since it’s their biggest competitor, but they have been cutting back as of late. In the past, Samsung has mocked Apple in commercials, ads, press releases, and product reveals. It was only a matter of time before they started up again.
Bixby the beatboxer
Although not as witty as the diss toward Apple, the beats that Bixby can produce are quite entertaining too. Simply ask Bixby to beatbox and he’ll drop a steady flow of drums and kicks which can accompany your own raps.
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Bixby Jokes in the U.S.
With the teasing coming from South Korean Bixby users, the anticipation from us North American fans has grown even stronger. Samsung has not released an exact date for Bixby voice’s launch in the U.S., but they have announced that the feature will be available in spring.
It’s hard to say whether the English version of Bixby will have its own unique set of rap lyrics to diss Apple, but it’d be a huge disappointment if that turned out to be exclusive only to the Korean language. On the flip side, Samsung will have impressed a large amount of consumers if they came up with a delivery of clever lyrics taking a stab at Apple in every language supported by the Galaxy S8. Personally, I’m hoping this is the case.
Bixby has had us Samsung users in high hopes for quite some time now, and with the previews coming from South Korea, the patience is growing thinner. Hang in there, comrades. It’s only a matter of time.