How To Change The News Google Home Plays For You

For a while, Amazon’s Echo was the main smart speaker on the market, but Google’s release of their smart technology, Google Home, has given Amazon a run for their money. Google Home’s smart speakers have met and exceeded users’ expectations and it just keeps getting better. Google Home also provides you with steps on how to change news on Google Home.

Between the impressive specs, sleek style, and easy Google assistant help, it’s no wonder people are quickly adding this device to their households by the thousands every day.

Google Home can do just about everything for you, from checking the weather and traffic for your daily route to playing your favorite music. But one of the most popular features offered is the daily news that Google Home provides automatically.

If the default information that you are hearing every day is not your preference, though, you may want to know how to change news on Google Home. It’s pretty easy, so you should be able to direct your daily news to exactly what you are interested in without much effort.

How To Change News On Google Home

Let’s be real – not everyone is interested in the newest political agenda or entertainment drama covering headlines. Sometimes the news is uninteresting, and other times it is just downright depressing. So you should be able to be in charge of what news you receive, and when you get it.

Google Home knows everyone is different, so they give you options with your daily news. You can customize the type of news you receive, the sources you get it from, and the order in which they are played.

There are a pretty wide variety of news categories, too. You should be able to find exactly what you need to know every day in their multiple choices. You can pick one or more in the area of general news, business, technology, science, health, sports, world, politics, art and lifestyle, and entertainment. Choose one, or choose them all, and then set up the order of importance in which you want to hear them.

So how do you do it? Google Home has a pretty simple step-by-step method to walk you through changing your news.

First, you definitely want to make sure when you had set up Google Home that your device is connected on the same Wi-Fi network. This is important.

Once you have verified your connections, you can open the Google Home app on your device and tap the menu button (top left corner).

Make sure your Google account is the same one you have linked to your Google Home. You’d be surprised how many times you are logged in under a different account. If they don’t match, click the triangle by the account name that you want.

Tap “More Settings,” then “Services,” and finally, “News.” This is where you will see all of the news sources that play when you have Google Home set up to tell you the news, or when you say “OK, Google, listen to news.”

Once you see all of the categories, you can select and deselect the ones you want to keep or get rid of. Then, when you want to change the order you hear the news in, you just need to touch the news source down and hold it, then drag it to where you want it to be on the list.

If you want to add new sources, you simply tap “Add News Sources” and check the ones you want to add. It’s pretty straightforward, and it stays consistent with most devices.

So now you can listen to the news you want, when you want it, through the comfort of your Google Home.

Jessi F:
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