AI technology has revolutionized the way that we live our lives. The truly breathtaking concept that was once a mere science fiction has become a rather normal part of our lives. We are now using AIs to do so much more. As with a lot of technologies we get used to, we begin to find some unconventional ways to entertain ourselves with it.
Now, we never said that we had to be productive about it. We all can appreciate bit of juvenile humor every once in a while. For that reason, getting the sophisticated AI software to start curing can be hilarious. Whether you are looking to entertain your group of friends or laugh silently to yourself at 3 am, we won’t judge.
However, a quick attempt to get your AI to curse may reveal it is not as easy as you thought it would be. Although AI technology’s do their best to be as friendly as possible, there are certainly some simple ways to get beyond those parental locks. Learning how to make Alexa cuss is as easy as it is entertaining.
How to make Alexa Curse
Getting Alexa to curse is certainly a little more challenging than other AIs. It is not as simple as when you make Siri curse because there are special features put in place to prevent you from getting NSFW.
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That being said, it is rather difficult for you to make Alexa cuss directly. This AI has had a sufficient amount of work done to keep her as family friendly as possible. To keep her perfect for all children in the household, they have taken some measures to prevent cussing.
Namely, Amazon developed a “bleeping feature” to prevent the AI from getting a sailor mouth. When you try getting her to use any major curse words, she’ll censor herself out. F-bombs and many popular derogatory slurs don’t quite make the cut. This can make it very difficult when trying to figure out how to make Alexa curse.
Luckily, this feature does not block out cursing altogether. Much like adult television programs where you can still get the gist of anything she’s saying -you just loose the middle part of the word itself. To get her to do this is easy, much like with Siri, you always have the option of setting names to certain things and reading notes.
There is, however, another feature that may make things a little more entertaining. You can always use the “Simon says” command to get her to repeat what you say. She will repeat pretty much anything you say -you just must be aware that the cursing is still pretty censored.
If you really want to get the full experience on getting Alexa to curse, you are going to have to be rather indirect with it. For one thing, you may find two words that sound suggestive when combined. There are also many other inappropriate things that you can tell Alexa that she will repeat. Remember, you don’t have to swear to be offensive.
You can always go the old-school route of making her say words one after the other that result in an inappropriate combination.
There are some words that you do not need to do any special research on to learn how to make Alexa curse. There are some pseudo curses like “crap” or “hell” that have not quite made the censorship cut. Even then, there are several different slang words such as “wiener” and “cake” that you can play around with as well.
If you are clever and determined enough, the world is your oyster and I am sure you can find a thing or two that can entertain you until the next update comes out.
There is always the option to have her play audio files, although you won’t get the pleasure of having it done in her voice. So, if you’re looking for an answer on how to make Alexa cuss, the answer right now is: you can’t! Is Alexa the prude of AIs, or just an extra challenge to entertain it’s users?
wow. what a waste of my things. A lot of words, saying nothing.