Scientists have been well-aware that Italy’s supervolcano Campi Flegrei is one of the most dangerous volcanos in the world. With more than a million-people living in the area, it can certainly be one of the most destructive volcanoes on the planet. However, scientists have recently discovered that it may even be even more dangerous than we had expected.
• A new study revealed that they may have discovered where all of the volcano’s magma is coming from.
• An international team aimed to discover the location of magma chambers by analyzing seismic waves.
• The results suggest that instead of magma being focused in just one point, it has instead spread out all across the volcano.
What does that mean? Dr. Luca De Siena, a geoscientist at Aberdeen, explains: “the risk from the caldera… has migrated. You can now characterize Campi Flegrei as being like a boiling pot of soup beneath the surface.”
In other words, instead of erupting, it’s quite possible that Campi Flegrei will simply explode everywhere, raining massive destruction around the area.
(h/t IFLS)