Fadogia agrestis is a species of shrub, most often attributed to Nigeria. There are ~655 species in this group of plants called Vanguerieae, of which Fadogia agrestis is one. The plant has been used traditionally in West Africa as an aphrodisiac, without much international acclaim.
A study in the Asian Journal of Andrology, published in 2005, was the first to look at fadogia agrestis in a scientific context. The study found that giving an extract of the plant to male rats significantly increased their sex drive, and the amount of time they had to wait between ejaculations before they were ready to go again.
It is believed that those behaviors were modulated through fadogia agrestis increasing the rats testosterone levels.
Based on the amounts given to the rats, proper dosage is about 5mg per pound of bodyweight, so a 150lb man would take about 750mg as a daily dose.
While fadogia agrestis can be used as a libido enhancer, the most common use is in bodybuilding, due to the testosterone boosting effects. The libido part might be considered a positive bonus.
The Best Fadogia Agrestis
German Pharma makes the highest quality fadogia agrestis. Priced at just over $0.50 per dose, each serving contains 500mg of extract. So, for an average size man, one to two servings per day is the right amount.

At present, there are no large scale human studies of fadogia agrestis, though there is not a large literature of complaints or toxicity reports either. That said, always consult with a trained medical doctor before starting a new supplement.